Paul Solem, cell 835-0631
Clerk- Alison Michalak, cell 930-7182
Treasurer - Cindy Gottschalk 326-6500
Trustees- Robb Bollenberg and Dan Haswell
Administrator- Jason Barnard 882-4411
Planning Comm: Robb
Bollenberg Matt Wieber
Established 1868
Benzie County, Michigan, 49640
2024 Newsletter
Physical address:11935 Fowler Rd Mailing address: 6821 Indian Hill Rd.
Office Hours: Thursdays, 9am-Noon
(231) 325-2459
Township Email: Website:
Annual/Budget Meetings
We will have a Budget Workshop on Feb. 6, 2024 at 6pm, Our Annual meeting and Budget Approval & Truth in Taxation meeting will be held on March 16, 2023 at 12pm. County officials are invited to provide updates to residents. Contact the clerk for any inquiries.
Township Hall Rental
The hall is available for small gatherings. A $50 deposit (refunded if cleaned) is required to reserve your date. The Hall is also available to non-residents for $300 non-refundable fee.
Fire/Emergency The township contracts for these services with Homestead Township and the City of Traverse City (HazMat). They have proven to provide exemplary service and response times. PLEASE REMEMBER TO CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY REGULARLY. Call 911 for any emergency!
Cemetery lots are available to residents at $250/site, non-residents $1000/site. Cindy Gottschalk is Cemetery Manager, 326-6500. Our Sexton is Joe Harriger. 326-5491
Property Taxes are due February 14th to avoid interest and penalties. Our treasurer is available by appointment at 10576 Oviatt Road, phone: 326-6500. You may drop off your payment at our secure locked mailbox at the township hall any time prior to Feb. 14th. Mailbox is checked weekly. Payments can also be mailed to 10576 Oviatt Road, Honor 49640.
The county will host various collections dates in 2024 for hazardous items such as batteries, paints/oils, CFL bulbs, household chemicals electronics, and scrap tires.
More info at or by calling 882-0554.
You can drop off batteries and lightbulbs at the township hall on Thursday mornings.
Our bi-annual cleanup day is scheduled for Saturday, June 8,2024 from 8 am till noon. Scrap metal, tires, and electronics will be accepted at no charge to residents. Remember, no wood or weekly household trash.
The township’s assessor is Jessie Geiger. She may be reached at 231-384-2019.
Our members are Dennis Taghon, Mark Nightingale, and Bob Schutt
Public queries:
March 11 Monday 3pm-9pm
March 13 Wednesday 9am-3pm
Regular Quarterly Twp Board Meetings:
Jan 2 April 2
July 2 Oct 1
(Always the first Tuesday of each fiscal quarter at 6pm)
West Benzie Joint Planning Commission
This board meets at the Benzonia Township Hall, 1020 Michigan Ave., Benzonia, on the 1st Thursday every month at 6pm. Platte’s representatives are Robb Bollenberg and Matt Wieber. The township’s Zoning Board of Appeals members are our own residents: Paul Gerhart, Bob Michalak, and Matt Wieber. The Zoning Administrator, who is the point of contact for all zoning inquiries, is Jason Barnard, 231 882 4411.
There are 3 election dates in 2024. Presidential Primary February 27, Sate Primary August 6, and General Election on November 5. Early voting will be available at the hall for nine days prior to each election. Contact clerk for dates. A permanent absent voter list has been enacted, call clerk to be added to this list.
A BIG Thank you to Deputy Clerk Ruth Hovland, Colin Bohash, Dennis Taghon, Leslie Miller, Linda Gottschalk, Jeanne Strathman, Lisa Pyne, Dennis Taghon, Wayne Taghon, Lauren Michalak, Molly and Ray Franks. These inspectors ensure the voting process is secure and administered according to State Election Laws.
The Platte Township Board would like to thank all residents for coming to the meetings this past year. We have tackled some very important issues and can know that there will be more issues to be carefully thought out in order to do what is best for our Township.
If you are not receiving periodic email updates from the township, and would like to, please email the clerk at: and we will add you to the list!